The 30th CREST Open Workshop
Search Based Software Testing (SBST) and Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE)
Date: 27 - 28 January 2014
Venue: Engineering Front Executive Suite, Roberts Building, UCL (Directions, or 'C5' on the map here, or Find it on Google maps.)
Both Search Based Software Testing (SBST) and Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) have been very effective at automating software testing. Each has complementary technical advantages that has motivated recent work on combinations of the two approaches. This workshop will bring together leaders in SBST and DSE to discuss opportunities for the automation of software testing that combine these two techniques.
Programme: (Downloadable Programme in PDF)
+++++++++27 January 2014 – DAY 1+++++++++
10:00 Arrival, Coffee and Pastries
10:30 Welcome and Introductions
Mark Harman, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL
11:15 Field Failure Reproduction Using Symbolic Execution and Genetic Programming (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Alex Orso, College of Computing - School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
11:35 Discussion
11:50 Improving Search-based Unit Test Suite Generation with Dynamic Symbolic Execution (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Gordon Fraser, University of Sheffield, UK and Juan Pablo Galeotti, Saarland University, Germany
12:10 Discussion
12:25 SEMFIX: Automated program repair via semantic analysis (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Abhik Roychoudhury, School of Computing & NGS, National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore
12:45 Discussion
13:00 Sandwich lunch at the venue
14:00 Evolutionary Testing of ECUs
Joachim Wegener, Berner & Mattner, Germany
14:20 Discussion
14:35 A Testing Service for Software Binaries
Cristian Zamfir, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
14:55 Discussion
15:10 Refreshments
15:40 DSE+SBST: Marriage or Divorce (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Paolo Tonella, Software Engineering (SE) Research Unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy
16:00 Discussion
16:15 Some Theoretical Results in (Search-Based) Software Testing (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Andrea Arcuri, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
16:35 Discussion
16:50 Combine SBST and DSE for mutation based test data generation
Yue Jia, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
17:10 Discussion
18:00 Wrap-up
18:30 Close
+++++++++28 January 2014 – DAY 2+++++++++
9:30 Arrival, Coffee and Pastries
10:00 500 Machine-Years of Software Model Checking (and DSE) at Microsoft + What Next
Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
10:20 Discussion
10:35 KATCH: High-Coverage Testing of Software Patches
Paul Marinescu, Software Reliability Group, Imperial College London, UK
10:55 Discussion
11:10 Refreshments
11:40 Breakout groups
12:40 Lunch at the venue
13:40 Plenary and feedback for groups
14:40 Searching for Readable, Realistic Test Cases (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Phil McMinn, University of Sheffield, UK
15:00 Discussion
15:15 Refreshments
15:45 Search based test data generation for server-side web application testing (Slides)
Nadia Alshahwan, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
16:05 Discussion
16:20 Wrap-up
16:45 Close
This workshop is supported by the following sponsors:
Registered Attendees:
- Nadia Alshahwan, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Kelly Androutsopoulos, Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University London, UK
- Andrea Arcuri, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
- Mauro Baluda, University of Lugano, Switzerland
- Earl Barr, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Marcel Böhme, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore
- Cristian Cadar, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK
- Meixian Chen, Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano, Switzerland
- David Clark, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Haitao Dan, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Michael Epitropakis, Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, UK
- Daniele Filaretti, Imperial College London, UK
- Gordon Fraser, University of Sheffield, UK
- Juan Pablo Galeotti, Computer Science, Saarland University, Germany
- Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
- Angelo Gargantini, University of Bergamo, Italy
- Alessandra Gorla, Computer Science, Saarland University, Germany
- Mathew Hall, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK
- Mark Harman, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Syed Islam, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Yue Jia, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Jens Krinke, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Dongsun Kim, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Tomasz Kuchta, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK
- Daniel Liew, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK
- Alexei Lisitsa, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK
- Paul Marinescu, Software Reliability Group, Imperial College London, UK
- Mark Micallef, Department of Computer Science, University of Malta, Malta
- Phil McMinn, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK
- Gabriela Ochoa, Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, UK
- Alex Orso, College of Computing - School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Mike Papadakis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Hristina Palikareva, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK
- Krishna Patel, Brunel University London, UK
- Abhik Roychoudhury, School of Computing & NGS, National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore
- Federica Sarro, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Paolo Tonella, Software Engineering (SE) Research Unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy
- Dragos Truscan, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- Joachim Wegener, Berner & Mattner, Germany
- Darrell Whitley, Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University, USA
- Fan Wu, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Shin Yoo, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Cristian Zamfir, School of Computer and Communication Sciences, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Andreas Zeller, Computer Science, Saarland University, Germany