The 6th CREST Open Workshop

Dependence Analysis and Slicing for Programs and Models



Wednesday, 29 April 2010



CREST Centre, King's College London



Dependence analysis underpins many Software Engineering activities such as Testing, Maintenance, Reuse and Re-engineering. There has been a lot of work on dependence analysis and slicing of programs and, increasingly for models, moving these techniques up the software development abstraction chain. In this workshop we will focus on the connections between dependence analysis and slicing at the program level and the model level.

There is increasing industrial interest and application of methods and techniques for dependence analysis. This will be reflected in the workshop, which will include two invited talks on current work on dependence analysis and slicing at IBM. The workshop will be informal and will allow plenty of opportunities for discussion and networking.


Programme and Downloadable Resources:

Talks will be 25 minutes allowing 15 minutes for discussion and questions.


12:15   Arrival and Sandwich Lunch

13:00   Welcome to CREST Open Workshop (Slides: 1, Videos:1)

              Mark Harman, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL

13:15    A New Slicing Technique To Yield Slices Whose Complements Are Slices Too (Slides: 1, Videos:1,  23)

              Ran Ettinger, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

14:00    Discussion

14:30    Slicing Extended Finite State Machines (Slides: 1, Videos:1)

              Zheng Li, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL

15:00    Discussion

15:15    Refreshments

15:45    Techniques for Debugging Model?Transformation Failures (Slides: 1, Videos:1,  2)

               Saurabh Sinha, IBM Research, India

16:30    Discussion

17:00    TBA

17:30    Discussion

18:00    Close


Registered Attendees: (Registration is closed.)

  1. Khalid Alzarouni CREST Centre , UK
  2. Luangsodsai Arthorn University of Essex , UK
  3. Sue Black University of Westminster , UK
  4. Kirill Bogdanov University of Sheffield , UK
  5. David Clark CREST Centre , UK
  6. Steve Counsell Brunel University , UK
  7. Sebastian Danicic Goldsmiths College , UK
  8. Ran Ettinger IBM Haifa Research Lab , Israel
  9. Nicolas Gold CREST Centre , UK
  10. Tracy Hall Brunel University , UK
  11. Mark Harman CREST Centre , UK
  12. Youssef Hassoun CREST Centre , UK
  13. Sebastian Hunt City University London , UK
  14. Syed Islam CREST Centre , UK
  15. Yue Jia CREST Centre , UK
  16. Jens Krinke CREST Centre , UK
  17. Zheng Li CREST Centre , UK
  18. Chunyan Mu CREST Centre , UK
  19. Jungsup (James) Oh CREST Centre , UK
  20. Jian Ren CREST Centre , UK
  21. Saurabh Sinha IBM Research , India
  22. Akadej Udomchaiporn CREST Centre , UK
  23. Neil Walkinshaw University of Sheffield , UK
  24. Paul Wernick University of Hertfordshire , UK
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