The 34th CREST Open Workshop
CREST Annual Review
Date: 19 - 20 May 2014
Venue: Engineering Front Executive Suite, Roberts Building, UCL (Directions, or 'C5' on the map here, or Find it on Google maps.)
This workshop will present a review of recent research undertaken in CREST. Each post-doctoral researcher and PhD student in CREST will present a short (20 minute) talk, highlighting recent research results. There will be plenty of time for discussion, as with all of our COWs. Though all talks at this workshop will be given by members of the CREST centre, we very much welcome members of the research community outside CREST to register and attend the workshop. We always welcome feedback on our work. This workshop will also provide an opportunity to explore possible collaborations, both within CREST and also between CREST and others who attend the workshop.
Programme: (Downloadable programme in PDF)
+++++++++19 May 2014 – DAY 1+++++++++
10:00 Arrival, Coffee and Pastries
10:30 Welcome and Introductions (Videos: 240p, 360p)
Mark Harman, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL
11:15 Evolving Faster Nifty Reg 3D Medical Image Registration CUDA kernels
Bill Langdon, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
11:35 Discussion
11:50 Overview of Music Systems Engineering (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Nicolas Gold, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
12:10 Discussion
12:25 The Plastic Surgery Hypothesis (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Federica Sarro, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
12:45 Discussion
13:00 Sandwich lunch at the venue
14:00 Experimental Assessment of Software Metrics Using Automated Refactoring (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Iman Hemati Moghadam, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
14:20 Discussion
14:35 Learning Combinatorial Interaction Testing Strategies using Hyperheuristic Search
Yue Jia, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
14:55 Discussion
15:10 Refreshments
15:40 Ask the Mutants: Mutating Faulty Programs for Fault Localisation (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Shin Yoo, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
16:00 Discussion
16:15 Robust Next Release Problem: Handling Uncertainty During Optimization (Slides)
Lingbo Li, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
16:35 Discussion
16:50 Using Genetic Improvement and Code Transplants to Specialise a C++ Program to a Problem Class
Justyna Petke, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
17:10 Discussion
17:25 Wrap-up
17:45 Close
+++++++++20 May 2014 – DAY 2+++++++++
9:30 Arrival, Coffee and Pastries
10:00 Genetic Improvement for Adaptive Software Engineering (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Fan Wu, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
10:20 Discussion
10:35 Coverage and Fault Detection of the Output-Uniqueness Test Selection Criteria
Nadia Alshahwan, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
10:55 Discussion
11:10 Refreshments
11:40 Breakout groups
12:40 Lunch at the venue
13:40 Plenary and feedback for groups
14:40 Pidgin crasher: Searching for Minimised Crashing GUI Event Sequences (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Haitao Dan, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
15:00 Discussion
15:15 Refreshments
15:45 Online App Reviews: Feature Request Ecosystem
William Martin, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
16:05 Discussion
16:20 An Empirical Study of Meta- and Hyper-Heuristic Search for Multi-Objective Release Planning
Yuanyuan Zhang, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
16:40 Discussion
16:55 Comparing models of symbolic music using probabilistic grammars and probabilistic programming (Slides, Videos: 240p, 360p)
Samer Abdallah, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
17:15 Discussion
17:30 Wrap-up
17:45 Close
This workshop is supported by the following sponsors:
Registered Attendees:
- Samer Abdallah, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Richard Allmendinger, Department of Biochemical Engineering, UCL, UK
- Nadia Alshahwan, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Earl Barr, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Robert Bruce, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- David Clark, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Haitao Dan, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Pierre Donat-bouillud, École normale supérieure, France
- Zheng Gao, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Nicolas Gold, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Mark Harman, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Iman Hemati Moghadam, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Syed Islam, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Yue Jia, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Mariam Kamkar, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linkoping University, Sweden
- Bill Langdon, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Lingbo Li, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- William Martin, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Justyna Petke, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Federica Sarro, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Nahid Shahmehri, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linkoping University, Sweden
- Varsha Veerappa, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Fan Wu, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Shin Yoo, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK
- Yuanyuan Zhang, CREST Centre, SSE Group, Department of Computer Science, UCL, UK