Upcoming Events

Date Details
07 Febuary 2014 FITTEST Review Meeting

Keynote Talks

Date Details
July 2013 Search Based Software Engineering, GECCO 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
June 2013 The GISMOE Architecture, CSBSE 2013, Dalian, China
(Yue Jia @ UCL)
September 2012 The GISMOE challenge: Constructing the Pareto Program Surface Using Genetic Programming to Find Better Programs, ASE 2012, Essen, Germany
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
September 2012 Dynamic Adaptive Search Based Software Engineering, ESEM 2012, Sweden
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
July 2012 Search Based Software Engineering, TASE 2012, Beijing, China
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
July 2012 An Introduction to Search Based Software Engineering, CSBSE 2011, Beijing, China
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
June 2012 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering, RAISE 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
July 2011 The Law of Tendency to Executability and its Implications, QSIC 2011, Madrid, Spain
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
March 2011 Refactoring as Testability Transformation, RefTest 2011, Berlin, Germany
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
March 2011 Tracing of Requirements and Test Cases, ReVVerT 2011,Berlin, Germany
(Joachim Wegener @ Berner & Mattner)
September 2010 Future Internet Testing / Testeo del Internet del Futuro, PRIS 2010, Valencia, Spain
(Oscar Pastor @ UPVLC)


Date Details
2013 Successful Empirical Research in Software Testing With Industry @ CAiSE Industrial Track 2013
(Nelly Condori-Fernandez and Tanja Vos @ UPVLC)
May 2013 Search-Based Mutation Testing at University of Stirling, UK
(Yue Jia @ UCL)
March 2012 Search-Based Software Engineering, including Software Testing at Oxford Brookes University, UK
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
June 2012 Search-Based Software Engineering, including Software Testing at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science, China
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
June 2012 Search-Based Software Engineering, including Software Testing at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Bejing Institute of Technology, China
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
June 2012 Search-Based Software Engineering, including Software Testing at the School of Software, Tsinghua University, China
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
June 2012 Search-Based Software Engineering, including Software Testing at the Institute of Software, School of Electronics, Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, China
(Mark Harman @ UCL)
2011 Presentation at Testaus2011
(Elisa Puoskari @ SULAKE)
2011 Presentation at Internet of Services 2011: Collaboration meeting for FP7 projects
(Tanja Vos @ UPVLC)
2010 Presentation at Internet of Services 2010: Collaboration Meeting for FP6 & FP7 projects
(Andrey Sadovykh and Arthur Baars @ UPVLC)
June 2010 Presentation at ECMFA 2010
(Andrey Sadovykh @ Softeam)

Technology Transfer

Date Details
May 2013 Rogue User Test at Clavel
March 2013 Rogue User Test at Encamina
August 2011 WebEx presentation of CTE based statistical test generation for Deutsche Bahn
(Berner & Mattner)
June 2011 Lecture (by Peter M. Kruse) about requirements tracing with DOORS and the CTE XL Professional at UPVLC, Valencia
(Berner & Mattner)
April 2011 Presentation of CTE based statistical test generation at UC4, Vienna
(Berner & Mattner)
April 2011 Introduction of requirements tracing with DOORS and the CTE XL Professional at KMW, Kassel
(Berner & Mattner)
January 2011 Presentation of CTE based statistical test generation at Ford, Cologne
(Berner & Mattner)
December 2010 WebEx presentation of CTE based statistical test generation for Audi Electronics Venture (AEV)
(Berner & Mattner)
November 2010 Presentation of CTE based statistical test generation at Daimler, Böblingen
(Berner & Mattner)
November 2010 Presentation of CTE based statistical test generation at Audi, Ingolstadt
(Berner & Mattner)


The FITTEST project has organised/co-organised the following events.

Date Details
2013 FITTEST 2013 @ ICTSS 2013
2013 Testing Tools Competition R2 @ FITTEST 2013
September 2013 ATSE 2013 @ FEDCSIS 2013
May 2013 FITTEST Industrial day @ RCIS 2013
March 2013 Testing Tools Competition R1 @ ICST 2013
March 2013 SBST 2013 @ ICST 2013
May 2012 FITTEST Industrial day @ RCIS 2012
September 2012 ATSE 2012 @ FEDCIS 2012
June 2011 ATSE 2011 @ CISTI2011
June 2011 Joint FITTEST/FastFix workshop @ UVPLC
May 2011 13th CREST open workshop @ UCL

Summer School

FITTEST @ Tarot2013

Three parters of FITTEST project gave lectures about testing future internet applications at Tarot summer school 2013.

Presenters Slides
Paolo Tonella Search Based Test Case Generation
Peter M. Kruse Industrial Applications of Search Based Testing
Tanja E.J. Vos European initiatives where academia and industry get together

Best paper prizes

The FITTEST project has sponsored the best paper and presentation prizes for the following events.