News Archive
Distinguished Lecture by Professor Mark Harman: 'The Joys and Frustrations of Software Engineering' 2nd July 2019
26 April, 2019
Abstract: Following the lecture, please join us for a drinks reception in the Jeremy Bentham Room, Wilkins Building to celebrate Mark being awarded the IEEE CS Harlan Mills award 2019. Date And Time:
For more information and to register for tickets please click here |
Dr Earl Barr most influential paper award
03 April, 2019 Dr Earl Barr's paper, The Promises and Perils of Mining Git has been selected for the MSR 2019 Most Influential Paper Award, “For foundational contributions to the understanding of how to perform software mining using Git repositories, enabling a decade of Git repository research across the software engineering community.” The award will be given during MSR 2019 in Montreal, Canada. |
IEEE CS Harlan Mills award 2019 awarded to Professor Mark Harman
03 January, 2019 We are thrilled to announce that the IEEE CS Harlan Mills award 2019 has been awarded to Professor Mark Harman for fundamental contributions throughout software engineering, including seminal contributions in establishing search-based software engineering, reigniting research in slicing and testing, and founding genetic improvement. You can read an interview with Mark here Congratulations Mark! |
6 Years since the launch of DAASE
19 October, 2018 This week marks 6 years since the launch of the EPSRC programme grant: DAASE (Dynamic Adaptive Automated Software Engineering). Here are some pictures of the team from over the years!
Dr Federica Sarro - article and interview
30 April, 2018 Dr Federica Sarro has been featured in the Italian newspaper “Il Mattino" as the youngest woman Associate Professor in Computer Science and interviewed by a national radio station too. Please click here to read and listen. |
Dr Federica Sarro - Senior Lecturer
02 August, 2017 Many congratulations to Dr Federica Sarro as she is appointed as Senior Lecturer in the Software Systems Engineering group. |
Mark Harman wins silver at 2017 Human-Competitive Awards @ GECCO conference
26 July, 2017 Mark Harman has been awarded the silver prize at the Human-Competitive Awards held at GECCO for his paper Human Competitiveness of Genetic Programming in Spectrum Based Fault Localisation: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis by Shin Yoo, Xiaoyuan Xie, Fei-ching Kuo, Tsong Yueh Chen and Mark Harman |
Celebration lunch for Dr Justyna Petke
18 July, 2017 CREST members took Dr Justyna Petke to lunch to celebrate and congratulate her on 50 citations of her paper 'Search based software engineering for software product line engineering: a survey and directions for future work' |
Dr David R. White in Nature
12 April, 2017 Dr David R. White has been quoted in an article on single-board computers in Nature the international weekly journal of science. You can read the article here: |
Early Career Fellowship for Dr Justyna Petke
28 February, 2017 Congratulations to Dr Justyna Petke who has been awarded an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship to advance her pioneering research on genetic improvement of software systems. |
Bug-finding MaJiCKe finds a home at Facebook
19 January, 2017 The CREST team behind spinout software testing technology MaJiCKe are moving on to work with Facebook in London. The technology uses the academic field of Search Based Software Engineering to remove ‘much of the drudgery’ of testing software, while still finding bugs. The company’s three co-founders are Prof Mark Harman (Scientific Advisor), Dr Yue Jia (CEO), and Ke Mao (CTO). You can read more about the project here. |
Most updates to mobile apps don’t make a noticeable difference
17 November, 2016 Research by William Martin, Dr Federica Sarro and Prof Mark Harman finds that most updates to mobile apps don’t make a noticeable difference. To read more please click here. The research paper is available here. |
Best paper award at SSBSE 2016
17 October, 2016 Congratulations to Fan Wu for winning best research paper award at SSBSE 2016 which was held in Raleigh North Carolina, USA. His paper HOMI: Searching Higher Order Mutants For Software Improvement was written with Mark Harman, Yue Jia and Jens Krinke. |
CREST success at GECCO Human Competitive Awards (HUMIES)
26 July, 2016 Many congratulations to Alex Marginean who received gold for his work on Automated Transplantation, with Earl Barr, Justyna Petke, Yue Jia and Mark Harman. And Federica Sarro picked up the Bronze for her work on Multi Objective Effort Estimation with Alessio Petrezziello and Mark Harman.
This work is funded by the EPSRC DAASE Programme Grant on Dynamic Adaptive Automated Software Engineering and UCL Department of Computer Science. |
See here for the latest news.